I guess I shouldn't be surprised as to what is going on with our Genetics... After all.. For Every Exception it Becomes the Rule!!! ...and now?? we have children having been given the right in Oregon to decide what sex they want to be...WTF.. What happens to puberty? how can they expect to grow naturally into adulthood..Why are they even being given the choice at that age.. If that isn't bad enough...they have lifted the ban on Transsexuals serving in the Armed Forces!!!!! BE READY FOR ANYTHING FOLKS!!!! Mother Nature Is Being Fucked With!!!!If you need more convincing then Google .."Human Chimeras"... This is where we're headed if we're not there already... God Help Us!!! FOLLOW THIS LINK AND SEE WHERE IT LEADS...OUR HUMANITY IS AAT WAR WITH ITSELF!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.bing.com/cr?IG=B8D3E020FA924F3FA3BDCCE57D415D7B&CID=12EB8770F5D660E224D18D75F4E76151&rd=1&h=djCTjU7VpxQcNDVqUwrMGvUoMxiE8mP-lJp4WOPlg0M&v=1&r=https%3a%2f%2fwww.thesun.co.uk%2fnews%2f2565492%2fuks-first-pregnant-man-scared-anonymous-sperm-donor-could-try-to-claim-rights-over-his-child%2f&p=DevEx,5080.1 AFTER YOU READ THIS YOU TELL ME IF WE HAVE BEGONE TO PUSH THE Y CHROMESOME OUT OUR GENETIC MAKEUP....